Two years ago we profiled puppy Gus in our club newsletter. Let’s check in and see how he’s changed.

Gus Then at 8 Months
Name: Gus Sokol Blosser
Age: 8 months
What brought you to Sokol Blosser: My Dad
Favorite food: Whatever my sister, Lucy, is eating
Favorite pastime: Avoiding Dad’s Truck
Unique skills: Not jumping into the truck
New Year’s resolution: To jump into Dad’s truck
Gus Now at 3 Years
Name: Gus Sokol Blosser
Age: 3 years
What brought you to Sokol Blosser: The Dirt, especially gopher dirt. So Yummy!
Favorite food: Carrots
Favorite pastime: Late night “Hot Laps.” I can do these tight circles too…
Unique skills: Birding. I can track all the birds.
New Year’s resolution: To jump into Dad’s truck